Saturday, October 27, 2007

RBBC e-update for Saturday, October 27, 2007

Dear Friends and Church Family,

I tried to get up early to answer emails and take phone calls. When I arrived at church, our relief center was already in full-swing with an assortment of supplies: bottled water, cleaning supplies, packaged snacks, a photocopy machine, Starbucks coffee and more! I was proud of our church wanting to do whatever it takes to serve the Westwood area of Rancho Bernardo.

One person heard about what we were doing and gave $100 to buy lunch for all our volunteers. We directed many to the FEMA center down at the park a mile away. One family that had no insurance left their kids for our volunteers to watch while they cleaned their home. I counted over 28 homes within a three block radius that had burned to the ground with only their chimneys standing. Other volunteers worked hard to power-wash our tile roof, remove unwanted clutter and getting our chairs ready for ServePro to clean.

I was tired today. I think the week is taking its toll. I’m so grateful that I’m part of our church family! They give from their hearts to serve the fire victims of our area. When I read this verse, I could almost feel God’s arms lifting us up: “Do no fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” – Isaiah 41:10.

Bill Griffin was on Fox News last night giving a report on the homes lost in his neighborhood and the impact of the fire on our church. Our facilities manager did a great job in the 5 minute piece.

Walking through the Fire with you,

Dan Maxton, Lead Pastor

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